Sunday, September 16, 2007


I feel like we’re now taking two inches forward and one inch back. The past two days Rhonda was doing a bit better, so she tried to take some cautious steps forward. Two trips to sit outside yesterday, however, seemed to be too much. The burning, heaviness and weakness in her legs came back a bit stronger as well as the head pressure she feels. So today, she basically stayed in bed most of the day.

The kids compensate for our “no mom at meal times” by going to give her hugs, racing back to the table, and then arguing vehemently about who won. I wish I (or Rhonda) had boy’s energy. Although Cody has an ear infection and is on antibiotics, the only way you would know it is that he does not hear as well (especially when daddy asks him to pick up toys).

In the midst of caring for everyone and finding it difficult to write, it was nice this past week to receive my book back from the publishers, Christian Faith and Scholarship: An Exploration of Contemporary Developments. It's not exactly popular reading, but I did notice that amazon had a copy in case anyone wonders what I do besides help pick up toys.

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