Friday, August 1, 2008

Is God enough?

I vividly remember the day eight months ago that I was listening to a talk on the radio by Dr. David Jeremiah titled God is enough. I was quite intrigued by his message because I had been wrestling with this thought as I lay in my bed. I was in pain, could do very little activity and I couldn't read because my eyes were bothering me. It was in the spot that I was a very attentive listener.

Dr. Jeremiah shared that through his experience with cancer he had learned that God was indeed enough. He went on to say that if you don't have a relationship with God I would encourage you to get one because the storms will come and having God in the midst of it will make all the difference.

It became very obvious to me that it is not if but when. Several of my friends would say to me that they were scared about what was next in their lives. They said they didn't know how they could handle my situation. I think we all have storms in our lives (i.e. difficult marriages, physical problems, job stress). The reality of living in a fallen world hits hard sometimes.

I have pondered Dr. Jeremiah's message and indeed asked "Does it make a difference?" and it wasn't until recently that God revealed to me something very profound.
Almost eight years ago Perry and I went through a very difficult season. We had had multiple moves, a sick child , a miscarriage, and a loss of a dream that was very hard for us. Looking back I realize that prior to this season I did not have a close relationship with God. I had a relationship but it was not vibrant and growing. I was working full-time and busy with life. I think we can all relate. When the storm hit it was very hard and I struggled. I was not making some good choices and I was choosing to look at the waves instead of God.

This storm has been so much different. Yes, my physical body is struggling but spiritually walking closely to God in the midst of it has been amazing!

I am very thankful for this comparison and I pray that God would continue to remind me how much I need him for the big and little challenges in life. I am even more thankful for his grace for the times I so easily forget.

Therefore, we do not lose heart. Though outwardly we are wasting away, yet inwardly we are being renewed day by day. For our light and momentary troubles are achieving for us an eternal glory that far outweighs them all. So we fix our eyes not on what is seen, but what is unseen. For what is seen is temporary, but what is unseen is eternal. 2 Corinthians 4:16

Next time: It is hard to wait!

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