Thursday, July 31, 2008

Time to write

This entry seems long over due. I have wanted to type some of my reflections about the last year and honestly it seemed too exhausting as I have been trying to manage the kids and my recovery this summer. This week I feel like the desire has returned and I am motivated to type in hopes that it will encourage and strengthen you. This is part of the testimony I shared with a few groups at our church.

Only in the most uncomfortable places in life can we see the face of God most clearly. Jennifer Rothschild

I can honestly say that my experience has certainly helped me see God more clearly.

On August18 th my life drastically changed. I was given a diagnosis that seemed so unfamiliar and the unknown was hard to take initially. All I could think of was a simple verse that I had taught Bennett and Cody. "When I am afraid, I will trust in you"

People would say to me "God is in control, God is good, Good will come out of this" Yes, I had experienced this before, but somehow I found myself asking no matter what? I knew then that God was taking me on a deeper journey with him. Was I willing to trust him? I soon realized that I was going to have to make some tough choices. Was I going to live in anxiety or was I going to choose to draw closer to God and experience his peace and love for me. This took a lot of effort some days. I knew I was going to have to work hard at keeping my eyes on God.

How did I do that? I had been given a journal and in it I began to write. Not necessarily my reflections because that seemed too exhausting, but verses from the Bible and quotes from books. I realized I had all these great books on my shelf but couldn't remember specifics. This journal became so precious to me because I would lay it beside me on my bed and I would ponder and reflect and pray. Instead of having lots of different books I had all my favorites parts in one place. I became very inspired by heroes of the faith. I needed courage to walk this painful and difficult road.

I also listened to a lot of worship songs in the beginning days and one was especially meaningful to me.
The voice of truth tells me a different story, the voice of truth says do not be afraid, the voice of truth says this is for my glory... Out of all the voices calling out to me, I will choose to listen and believe the voice of truth.

I want to share some of my favorites from this journal. This entry I will focus on a couple of examples of how God showed me he was there.
1)Even from the very beginning God showed me that he was there. It was no coincidence that not only did I have a Christian nurse in the hospital but it was a nurse from my own church. She was such a blessing and encouragement to me.

2)"Oh, I have so much to learn. The wilderness really does show us who we really are and who we trust. I confess I am not very proud of where my thoughts have been. In discomfort it is amazing how it is easy to falter and wonder why or how long. I should be resting and trusting that God knows, that he is here, that my hope comes from him not from when my body feels better. I will not forget the night that I was digesting the doctor's visit I had had that day and the reality that things were not progressing like I had hoped. I remember thinking " help me know you are here". It was at that moment that I looked out at the most brilliant sunset. Wow! He was here. Again, the next morning when tears were so close that I chose Michael W. Smith CD Worship. It was no coincidence that I needed those songs. "Draw me close to you, never let me me know that you are near. It wasn't just that song but the next one that made me weep. "Turn your eyes upon Jesus..... and the things of earth will grow strangely dim" Oh Lord, please teach me how to look to you."

There are so many more examples of how God has shown us his love and compassion and I am so thankful. He is so faithful.

Next time: " Is God enough?"

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