Wednesday, November 28, 2007

What a strange day!

Have you even had one of those days when you say, "This is crazy?!!"Yesterday was one of them for me. I spent most the morning in bed because my legs felt weak and hurting and it was probably good because I had a lot of time to pray and rest. I was also on the phone back and forth to Canada because my brother had fractured a vertebrae in his neck and was in severe pain and having some numbness and weakness in his arms. They were waiting to see when he would go in for surgery. It was at the moment when my mom told me that he would have surgery as soon as they had a spot when Cody came in saying he had a stomach ache. For the next thirty minutes Cody screamed and clawed his stomach while rolling all over the floor (believe or not we have had episodes of this before). It is at this point I am calling Perry to come home because I need help and I think we need to take him in to the doctor. So with a neighbor getting Bennett from the school bus ,we are off to the doctor to find after x-ray that his intestines are full of gas with some possible constipation. The doctor is speculating that his stomach issues may have something to do with all the decongestants he has been on to try and help his chronic congestion and ear problems. Needless to say we are going to try and correct these issues as well as go to the ENT for discussion on tubes in his ears.
Thankfully today is a new day and I just heard that my brother's surgery went well and they were able to fuse two vertebraes together. He will wear a neck brace for the next three months and should recover without nerve damage. Cody is also his usual self and wanting to know when he can buy the next Star Wars toy.
So, in the midst of the craziness God is continually reminding me through his word to put my hope and trust in him. With that in mind, I will enjoy the quietness and the peace of the moment and remember a quote I read recently " Each day we are blessed by the gifts from a Father above who knows our needs befroe we voice them".
Thank you, Thank you for all the ways you remind us that you are still praying! We appreciate that so much.

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