Tuesday, November 6, 2007

Good to laugh

Having my sister and brother in law has been good medicine for me. They are definitely kids at heart. I have found myself laughing quite often the last few days. I am not sure they totally knew what they were signing up for but have adjusted quite well to the Glanzer routine. They are making lunches, filling sippy cups, and finding missing toys like the best of them. There have been a few surprises. For example, when they returned from Baylor and both boys were soaking wet and proceeded to tell me that while they were looking at a 2Ft deep fountain and both boys accidentally fell in. Thankfully Conrad rescued them and Coralee agreed that she realizes she needs to have eyes in the back of her head. And last night I couldn't help but laugh when I saw Coralee with water pistol in hand sneaking around the corner to get Bennett. It seems we are having a water theme lately. I really laughed later when my brother in law told me that he was glad that the person bringing dinner didn't come five minutes earlier because they would gotten a cup full of water on them ( he had been waiting at the front door for the Coralee and the boys). Never a dull moment at the Glanzer household.

So we are in good hands I think. Thankfully no one else got fever and I remain the only one fighting a cold. I am back to my original routine of resting a lot during the day so that I have energy for when the boys come home and for the evening schedule. This seems to help. I am still having quite a bit of pain in my legs after walking and am hoping that that will lessen as time goes on. Thankfully the headaches and pressure in my head has gotten milder.
Thank you for your prayers. Perry arrived safely and has started his travelling around England.

1 comment:

Carolyn said...

Oh it is so good to hear RHONDA in this post! And so good to hear you are laughing....it really is the best medicine! We sure miss you at church but know that you are trying to get back as soon as possible! Let me know if I can help in any way!!