Thursday, October 30, 2008

The battle is real!

There are many days and many moments when I have feel like I am in battle. Battling to remain hopeful, battling to recover, and battling to take care of my family amidst a body that doesn’t want to function properly. And especially battling through scripture and prayer when it feels like the enemy is wanting to devour me and my family. The battle has been more real to me and reading the psalms has helped me realize that David knew how fierce the battle could be. I am so thankful that he wrote his psalms (Ps 46,63) down because it has brought me incredible perspective, insight and has motivated me to fight. Like never before I find myself praying about everything big and small. I have been humbled sometimes when I realize that I should pray more for the little things. I had a great reminder of this last week.

I have needed to buy some pajamas and jeans for Bennett and it seems that it takes me forever to do errands like that right now. It all depends on what other activities we have and my pain levels whether I can do errands or not. I honestly didn’t pray about it, but knew it would eventually get done. Last week there was a box left at our house by my friend who has blessed us many other times with clothes. I probably don’t need to tell you what was in the box….. not one, but four pairs of pajamas and several pairs of pants. I admit, I was teary and so thankful. I often tease my friend and tell her that she must get memos from God because every time she brings clothes to us it is exactly what we need.

I am so glad that he cares for the big things too. I have been battling in prayer for Bennett too. Recently, we discovered he has a learning disability. We suspected this last year, but thought that with practice it would improve. God led us to go and have him assessed at the Baylor Speech clinic which gave us great insight into his needs. We were so thankful to have their expertise and were so humbled when he got a therapy spot for four hours each week. Yes, it is an adjustment and I feel like I am on a very steep learning curve. But the amazing thing is that because of my illness, my life has remained simple and I have time to learn. I really believe through prayer Bennett has adjusted very well to the therapy and I see benefits already. I find myself constantly having to give Bennett over to God knowing that he is in control and that he loves Bennett so much more than I do. There is no doubt that God gave Bennett a special personality for a reason. His laughter and smiles and even his made up songs and bad jokes have brought me joy during the hard days.

I read this quote recently which I thought captured it well

It puzzles me; but Lord, You understand
And will one day explain this crooked thing.
Meanwhile, I know that is has worked Your best
Its very crookedness taught me to cling.

So I will thank and praise You for this puzzle,
And trust where I cannot understand.
Rejoicing You hold me worth such testing,
I cling the closer to Your guiding hand.

1 comment:

MLP said...

Dear Friend,

I haven't forgotten about you. Bless your heart. I just can't imagine. I am praying for you.
