Sunday, March 16, 2008

Celebration week

When going to church today, Bennett asked with excitement, "Mommy's coming too?!" It expressed the hesitant sort of excitement we've felt during our whole celebration week. Rhonda continues to do some seven month firsts (a visit to Sunday school, a trip to take a gift to a neighbor, a drive to a restaurant, etc.). In fact, her first trip in seven months to Dollar General for one item took so long (45 minutes--it's 3 minutes from our house), I almost went to look for her. She said she just go carried away with being in a store again (and bought a few other things).

She still has to watch herself. Her Monday taking care of the boys for 5 hours took it out of her. She then had to spend the next day spending significant time in bed to recover. At those times, I feel the old fear and frustration returning. Fortunately, this was the only significant set-back during the week. I can certainly feel the weight of the last seven months starting to lift a bit with her progress. Even doing the laundry and grocery shopping doesn't feel so draining.

The kids are also excited about the changes. Rhonda lifted Cody out of our bathtub to our bedroom and he exclaimed, "Mommy, you can carry me again!"

One of the best parts of celebration week actually occurred the Friday night before it started. Bennett told us that he "wanted to ask Jesus into his heart." Cody has always been the one of the two to vocalize deeper theological questions (this week it was--"Why did God make mean, meat-eating dinasaurs?"). Bennett, however, has really started to show some wonderful understanding of deeper spiritual issues--it is the real reason we named this week as celebration week.

To end our celebration week (spring break), we brought out our goblets and toasted with Dr. Pepper and 7Up. Cody showed the most originality with toasts to his "sweet mommy" and Daddy "for bringing Burger King." Aside--Thanks so much for the multiple suprise gifts from distant friends and relatives for meals. They've come at a great time and have really allowed us to celebrate Rhonda's progress and enjoy a less stressful spring break.

As always, thanks so much for your prayers and support. Going back out into "normal life" again produces a different sort of emotional rollar coaster. Rhonda said that she has some of the same feelings that she had when she returned from her various mission trips to Russia. It's almost like she's going through "reentry" of a different sort. We would appreciate your prayers for us during this time of hope and transition.

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