Friday, February 29, 2008

A very good doctor's visit

Today, we had a very good visit with a neurologist with Scott and White who specializes in nerve testing. He confirmed two things. He confirmed Rhonda's initial diagnosis of Guillian Barre and the fact that she does not have the chronic version (CIDP). The nerve conduction tests showed that she does not have permament nerve damage. In addition, he helped cleared up some of our questions or reminded us of things we needed to remember. For example, the question in my last blog was why Rhonda still had GB symptoms if the neurological tests indicated no nerve damage. He noted that GB patients will still have the symptoms of GB even if nerve conduction tests show there is no damage. After all, she is likely still fighting the triggering agents (which can be either virus or bacteria) that cause one's immune systems to attack and demylenate the nerves.

Additional blood tests we received back this week have also helped reinforce this point. Although blood tests cannot be used to diagnose GB, they do detect the antibodies to the microorganisms that trigger GB. Although we (or maybe I) intially thought the triggering agent may have come from the bacteria associated with food poisening (campylobacter jejuni), blood tests have shown that Rhonda has exceptionally high levels (more than 15 times normal) of antibodies associated with the Epstein-Barr virus (the virus that causes mono but is also a triggering agent for GB).

The doctor today also reminded us that GB recovery takes a long time (often 6 months to 3 years) and that we should continue to remain patient. Her body is likely still fighting the triggering agent and her immune system is still healing. We're only at the 6 month mark. He also said something that I had read in neurology journal survey studies of GB patients, but it was good to hear again. In a significant minority of GB patients, there will be some symptoms from GB that one must continue to battle for some time (and for some--through life), but this does not mean a person has CIDP (the chronic form of GB).

Overall, we drove home feeling like we had some clear answers and direction regarding the treatement of her GB symptoms. Of course, we still have some questions about her eye and headache problems, although the doctor did offer two thoughts about her headaces. He has seen cases of GB that do have these type of headache problems. In addition, he also notes that IVG treatments can also add to headache problems. Rhonda will see an eye doctor again on Monday to explore the eye issues further. As always, thanks for your prayers through this while time. We continue to pray for complete healing and recovery.

Actually, I have also neglected some good news. Rhonda has been walking more this past week, and she has started driving for short trips again. We're thankful that she's showing some progress (especially with regard to her legs and her strength).


Wesley Null said...

Perry and Rhonda:

I am delighted to read this good news. We will continue to pray for you guys. One day at a time!

I hope your family has a restful weekend (or as restful as it can be with two little ones at home!).

Wes and Dana

Misty said...

Praise the Lord! I am so happy to hear such wonderful news and am so thankful you were led to such a knowledgeable doctor--and that some of your questions have been answered.
Much love,

Carolyn said...

Rhonda...You are missed!!!

Anonymous said...

Praising God for the good news. My prayers will continue for you!

Mindy Pierce

Anonymous said...

Praising God for the good news. My prayers will continue for you!

Mindy Pierce

Anonymous said...

Dearest Friends,
I am so thankful to hear this news that I was nearly brought to tears. I have been thinking alto about you lately. I have been thinking about hope s and dream that may have seemed dashed by this illness. I can't imaging the devestation of not only having to deal with this illness as a family, but putting your dreams of ministering overseas on hold, perhaps with no hope in sight of those dreams being fufilled. Don't give up. I have been praying that God will renew His dream for you in your hearts and that He will fufill them. And we know that He will! Hang in there. Thank you, God, for this amazing news. Please bring healing to Rhonda and fulfill your purpose for this prcious family's lives. In Jesus' name, Amen.