Monday, September 3, 2007


I had tears in my eyes when I said good-bye to my mother-in law last night. We sure needed her and she certainly kept the house going during a very unusual time. It was especially great to have her for Cody's four year old birthday. That made it extra special and the help with making cupcakes and clean-up was wonderful.
I continue to make small improvements and even went for a very small stroll down the path behind our house. I think we looked very funny with Perry's right hand in a cast and the other arm holding me up. I am sure that people must have wondered if we had been in an accident. Our pace was extremely slow but that is okay. At least we were moving. Someone last week actually ventured to call us gimpy and limpy(I am not mentioning names on that- we thought it was funny). Of course my stamina is not the greatest but it is improving and as long as I don't have to be on my feet alot or walk a long way I can tolerate it.
Reentering normal life( if you want to call that) is at times overwhelming. Even when you are not quite well your kids still fight, the house still gets dirty, and there are still bills to pay and calls to make. It is amazing how many details there are to running a household. It is during these times when I choose to thank God for the gift of today. He will give me strength and wisdom in how to manage and pace myself.

1 comment:

Carolyn said...

SO glad to hear you are improving!! Going for a walk and breathing in fresh air is wonderful!!