Thursday, August 23, 2007

Rhonda's home

Yeah. Rhonda just got home from the hospital and we are adjusting. Of course, the boys are glad and the great thing is that although mommy can't get up and find that favorite lost toy, she can give lots of hugs. Currently, she still has some numbness and burning in her hands and legs. She also feels very weak and needs help getting to the bathroom and walking around. Emotionally, the reality of the long term recovery process is starting to sink in and that has brought some tears. Rhonda will soon be starting a regimen of physical therapy three times a week.

Thanks everyone who has prayed for us and offered their support. We'll keep you posted and hopefully you'll hear from Rhonda soon.

P.S. For those who might want a good summary of Guillan-Barre Syndrome you may want to see:

1 comment:

Misty said...

Praise God!! We are continuing to pray, and of course are always here to help. We love you all.