Thursday, August 30, 2007

PT and tough mornings

Rhonda had her first day of more intense physical therapy yesterday and she felt it this morning. Her legs felt weak and heavy. Mornings still remain tough. Overall though, it is good to see her slowly gaining her strength back.

It helps that Cody is enjoying preschool and Bennett is enjoying first grade. When Bennett asked him what his favorite part of school was yesterday, he said, "Everything." Cody said it was celebrating another kid's birthday because "they got rice krispee treats"

1 comment:

Evelina said...

Perry, can we come visit Rhonda today? We would love to help with anything we can. I would be more than happy to babysit. I am free in the afternoons. Please let me know if you need any help. We love you guys and our hearts ache in sadness. We pray for Rhonda's quick recovery.
